Open awareness


AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Meditation practices from the "Treasure of Knowledge" by Jamgong Kongtrul Lodrö Thaye, explained by Acharya Lama Kesang Wangdi. The causes of suffering and happiness have their origin in our mind and uncontrolled emotions. Meditation in the Tibetan Buddhist traditions aims to recognize and overcome the causes of suffering and happiness in order to attain ultimate liberation from the cycle of rebirths and suffering. This book, written by Acharya Lama Kesang Wangdi, one of the two resident lamas of the Kamalashila Institute® for Buddhist Studies and Meditation in Langenfeld in the Eifel region of Germany, is a summary of his teachings in a multi-year, step-by-step teaching cycle in the form of an annual 10-day silent retreat. The basis of his teachings is the "Treasure of Knowledge" by Jamgong Kongtrul Lodrö Thaye, one of the most important scholars of Tibetan Buddhism in the 19th century. The works of Jamgong Kongtrul are characterized by his efforts to regard all traditions of Tibetan Buddhism as equally important. This is why they are still the basis of the teachings of all Tibetan Buddhist schools today. Lama Kesang's book is a practice-oriented guide to meditation, from the first exercises to the highest levels of practice, which can lead to the realization of the true nature of our mind. Published August 2024, paperback. 232 pages ISBN 9783933558190

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