Subcategories for texts and pujas
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Showing 1–24 of 129 results
"Amitabha Teaching and Practice" by Lama Kelzang in Kamalashila.
18,00 €
"Walking the Mahayana Path" Teaching with Lama Sönam in Kamalashi
12,00 €
"Mahamudra Teaching" by Lama Sönam in Kamalashila 2009
12,00 €
37 Practices of the Bodhisattvas
from Thogme Sangpo
5,00 €
Eight verses for training the mind
by Geshe Langri Thangpa
9,00 €
Akshobhya - Patience for a Peaceful World Part 1 and 2.
by H.H. the XVII Karmapa
24,00 €
Akshobhya - Patience for a peaceful world
by H.H. the XVII Karmapa
16,00 €
Akshobhya: Patience for a peaceful world
by H.H. the XVII Karmapa
16,00 €
Altar and text cloth, brocade , large
22,50 €
Altar cloth, medium
16,00 €
Amitabha Puja
7,50 €
Amitabha-Tsok-Puja, Die Sadhana zur Wiedergeburt in Dewachen
18,00 €
Invocation of Manjusri
5,00 €
Atisha's "The Three Steps of the Path" with Ringu Tulku - Sommersch
18,00 €
Buddha for pragmatists
by Micheline Rampe
16,95 €
Buddha. The Path of Perfection.
9,95 €
Buddhify your life
by Rohan Gunatillake
16,95 €
Chanting the Chöd Melodies - Lama Sönam Rabgye
15,00 €
Chenresig Puja
12,00 €
Chenresig: Viewing the world with compassion
by H.H. the XVII Karmapa
16,00 €
Chenrezig Puja with Lama Sönam and Lama Kelzang
12,00 €
Chenrezig. With Lama Sönam ,at Kamalashila Institute June 2016
12,00 €
China Study
by T. Colin Campbell, Thomas M. Campbell
16,95 €
Chöd.The short daily practice offering of one's body
16,00 €