Dzogchen, the great accomplishment

by Chatral Rinpoche et al.


Now available! This publication, published by Kagyu Dharma Verlag, contains texts by Chatral Rinpoche, Longchen Rabjam and Jigme Lingpa translated into German for the first time. They are still the basis of teachings in the Nyingma and Dzogchen traditions. The book, published bilingually in German and Tibetan, is bound, has 194 pages and costs 22 euros. The texts in detail: Chatral Rinpoche: Calling the Lama from afar, the excellent path of highest joy; Longchen Rabjam: The precious treasure of the vastness of phenomena; Jigme Lingpa: From the heart essence of great vastness, the most secret guru yoga, provided with the seal of essence. Now available! This publication, published by Kagyu Dharma Verlag, contains texts by Chatral Rinpoche, Longchen Rabjam and Jigme Lingpa translated into German for the first time. They are still the basis of teachings in the Nyingma and Dzogchen traditions. The book, published bilingually in German and Tibetan, is bound, has 194 pages and costs 22 euros. The texts in detail: Chatral Rinpoche: Calling the Lama from afar, the excellent path of supreme joy; Longchen Rabjam: The precious treasure of the vastness of phenomena; Jigme Lingpa: From the heart essence of great vastness, the most secret guru yoga, provided with the seal of essence.

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