Letters from Tibet - Journey inwards

from Bernd Kretzschmar


Letters from Tibet - Journey inwards, Have you ever heard the voice of a mountain calling you in your head? So loud and insistent for over a year? That's exactly what happened to me. The holy mountain Kailash in Tibet, it called out to me. I invite you to travel with me and be enchanted by my letters from Tibet. In the year 2000 I followed the call of a mountain. A wonderful country and an ancient culture. I was magically drawn to Tibet. A pilgrimage full of surprises, wonders and magical moments that changed me forever. It was a preparation for my vocation as a spiritual healer and spiritual coach, which I have successfully practiced internationally for over 20 years. https://www.coaching-ist-heilsam.de Anette (Germany): Dear Bernd, I thought long and hard about how to describe your treatment in the right words. The way you treat people is indescribable and it's best to just try it for yourself. It was great, wonderful, beautiful.... So much has changed for me with one treatment. I feel really great. I am totally thrilled. A very clear recommendation. Full marks . Evangelia (Switzerland): I got to know Bernd as a very caring and helpful person. Patient and yet very accurate, he moves forward with all his heart and hits the nail on the head. His humor is very refreshing and brings a lot of joy. He has the ability to serve from the bottom of his heart, between heaven and earth. I thank the universe for him in my life.

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