Dream interpretation from A to Z

from Peter Chairon


Handbook on the scientific status of dream research. Organized according to extensive keywords. The author analyzes over 30,000 dreams and draws conclusions from forty years of experience with dream symbols (seminars, lectures, dream consultations, dream clients). Cf. www.traumpsychologie.de . Peter Chairon is a pseudonym for Willy Peter Müller. Depth psychology is the core of the book. However, the transcendental is also taken into account. It deals with dreams of clothes, car dreams, toilet dreams, dreams of nudity, falling and flying in dreams, even dreams of the future, dreams of the afterlife and the prenatal period. The "Anthroposophical Interpretation of Dreams" or the general "Rules of Dream Interpretation" as well as "Drug Experiences and Dreams" are also addressed. Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung are discussed in detail, but the dream theories of many other cultures are also acknowledged. The book contains the most important search terms relating to dreams. It is like a lexicon, ideal for practical reference. The book is an extension (by 36 pages) of its predecessor "The Alphabet of Dream Interpretation" by Willy Peter Müller. The reader is offered a well-founded knowledge of dream symbolism.

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