Recovering from psychosis

by Edward M Podvoll


Understanding and treating psychoses This book is an indispensable guide for all those who care for people with psychotic disorders or who are affected themselves. It describes how psychosis develops and how it can be treated and cured in a fascinatingly profound and at the same time easily comprehensible way. Awake, heartfelt sympathy initiates the process of recovery, for which close companionship is of central importance. Windhorse projects have been working on the basis of this principle since 1981. A healing atmosphere is created for patients in their own homes. A number of empathetic, trained people form a team that looks after the well-being of the patient - and each other. For this to be truly fruitful, they need to understand the psychotic experience in depth and know how to deal with it. The book describes what makes a normal home a place of recovery and how the vicious cycle of repeated psychotic episodes can be broken. It is a guide in the seemingly hopeless wilderness of psychotic experiences and provides the means to explore one's own potential for illness and recovery without fear. Reading it is as much an adventure as working with people in extreme states. About the author Edward M. Podvoll (1936-2003), psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, initiated the "Windhorse" project as director of the Institute for Contemplative Psychotherapy at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado, USA: therapeutic communities in which patients can recover from psychosis. hardcover edition ribbon marker 504 pages 22 x 14.7 cm ISBN: 978-3-944885-17-9

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