Illness from a spiritual point of view

by Jobst Koss, Dorothee Koss-Gehlen


a collection of songs and quotations of revered Mahamudra Dzogchen masters. Kagyu Dharma Publishing House. Langenfeld 2014 1)Jobst Koss and Dorothee Koss-Gehlen (eds.): illness from a spiritual perspective. 64 pages . Kagyü Dharma Verlag® 2014. price: 12 ,00 Jobst Koss and Dorothee Koss-Gehlen present in this booklet a collection of songs and quotations of realized Mahamudra and Dzogchen masters. This has also been dedicated to Khenpo Tsültrim Gyamtso Rinpoche for his 80th birthday in March 2014.

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