Mahamudra . Experience and realization

by translators: Jobst Koss, Dorothee Koss-Gelen


An exceptional book that covers the development of Mahamudra in the Mahasiddha tradition. The Mahasiddha tradition existed in India alongside the Buddhist monastic tradition in the 3rd-13th centuries. The Mahasiddhas "...broke with the conventions of Buddhist monastic life of the time and ... practiced ... in caves, forests, and in villages of northern India. "1 Men as well as women from all walks of life, including Brahmins and scholars, lived in this tradition. Although the Mahasiddha tradition was philosophically based on the Mahayana sutras, entirely new methods of meditation and practice developed. Thus, anyone could attain liberation from the cycle of rebirths - whether man or woman, monk or layman - because each individual has the inner condition for enlightenment. And disturbing feelings (kleshas) such as anger, jealousy, etc., are not fought, but transformed through practice into wisdom realization, the realization of their true nature. The Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism traces its origins to Buddha Shakyamuni through Marpa, the great translator. He traveled to India three times to bring authentic Buddhist teachings back to Tibet. Marpa's main teacher, the eminent scholar and Mahasiddha Naropa, received lineage transmission from Tilopa and so on, all the way back to the Buddha. The Mahasiddhas and their Mahamudra teachings are thus one of the roots of the Karma Kagyu tradition. This book, being bilingual, is a valuable gateway to study and practice Mahamudra at its sources, the Mahasiddha tradition. It is distributed through the DharmaShop

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